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What I do...

Qualified Youth Counsellor, Certified Children & Adolescent Grief & Loss Specialist, Clinical Hypnotherapist and Rapid Transformational Therapy Practitioner delivering RTT® - a multi award-winning therapy, applying powerful techniques to get to the root cause of physical and emotional issues.  RTT® empowers my clients to identify, heal and transform subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs that underlie physical and emotional issues in as little as 1-3 sessions. My clients feel safe, comfortable and amazed at the fast results  (see Client Feedback and Testimonials).  My services are completely confidential, GDPR compliant , licensed and insured. 

"I initially felt resistant to the recording given after the session. It was a very emotional releasing. As time went on I came to enjoy it and feel at peace with it. I now see that those statements I resisted were the ones I needed to accept in order to heal. Mim was very supportive throughout the process and kept checking in during my healing journey." 

     Anonymous Female 3

Miriam Davis trained under Marisa Peer, multi-award-winner for Rapid Transformational Therapy (RTT)®  including The International Stevie Gold 2018 Award
Healwithmim Therapy® uses powerful RTT® tools, combining hypnotherapy, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, gestalt, neurolingusitic programming and neuroscience to rapidly reduce stress, end bad habits, and improve emotional, mental and physical wellbeing.

My clients have had amaziing breakthroughs with : -

  • Childhood trauma

  • Grief, bereavement , loss (someone close, a job, home)

  • Abuse -  physical, sexual, emotional, financial, neglect

  • Post Traumatic Syndrome Disorder (PTSD)

  • Depression

  • Premenstrual Syndrome/Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMS/PMDD)

  • Anxiety

  • Polycystic Ovaries Syndrome (PCOS)

  • Unhealthy/toxic relationships

  • Coping with guilt, shame, blame, sadness, confusion, anger, low confidence, self-esteem, motivation

  • Memory, concentration, focus

  • Addiction recovery

  • Long-term physical health problems

  • Pain management

  • Exam  anxiety/performance

  • Wealth/Money blocks

  • Procrastination, motivation

"Wasn't sure what to expect.  The regression was very relaxing. Had an amazing experience and felt a  shift feeling more focused and motivated . Definitely would recommend RTT." 

Anonymous Male 2

RTT® is also extremely powerful and effective in overcoming  a host of presenting issues such as: -

  • Eating Disorders

  • Food /Diet Weight Problems

  • Sleeping Disorders

  • Hearing Sight/Vision

  • Mobility

  • Skin Problems

  • Hair Growth

  • Sexual Problems Fertility

  • IVF/Conception/Pregnancy/Birthing

  • Anger Management

  • Career Issues/Interview Skills

  • Nervousness

  • Public Speaking

  • Memory

  • Driving Skills and more!

Don't suffer in silence, experience the powerful and healing effects of RTT®

Healwithmim Therapy®  integrates RTT® using safe and proven techniques to support healing and transformation.
In Healwithmim Therapy®  sessions clients are safe and in full control and guided explore the root cause of their issue and underlying limiting beliefs.

Therapy doesn't have to be an extreme option that we resort to when life gets difficult......It's ok to try therapy at any point in your life, whatever your age, circumstances or background. Receiving therapy should also be something we do when we're not at crisis point – it is likely to feel easier to reflect on what's going on, and could help you keep things from getting worse.   I believe that when we heal within we are able to achieve our full potential, contribute positively to relationships, society and live our best and beautiful life. 


Book a free consultation call to discuss how you can healwithmim® and transform your life!


" I felt comfortable and connected during the hypnosis. An amazing experience with improvements from the first time listening to the audiio recording "


Ishmael C



© 2021-2023 by

 Phone: +44 74882 267 609/+1 868 322 8645

ACCPH Senior Member
RTT Associate
RTT Clinical Hypnotherapist
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